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Review - Study Bunny

Hello everyone, my name is Celia! I am a Study Bunny and my job is to motivate you to stay on task for a chosen period of time. Let me tell you all about my app.

How I Work
The way that my app works is that you set a timer for the amount of time you want to spend on a task. While you work, I read a book and keep time for you. There are other things you can do in my app, including making a to-do list, playing included music in my app. and even making flashcards. Once you have finished your time you selected (up to 3 hours!) you can make my happiness meter fill and earn coins. Other ways to make my happiness meter fill include, besides completing study sessions, feeding me carrots, buying store items with the coins you earn, playing music, checking off items on your to-do list, and quizzing yourself with the flashcards. 

Incentives within the app include decorating my room and buying me items like clothes, food, furniture, and even a completely different room layout with the coins you earn. All of those things are used to boost my Happiness Meter. If the normal happiness meter is too easy for you, there is a challenge mode that completely removes the progress you have made on my happiness meter and makes you start again. If the happiness meter is too much, you can turn it off completely. I think Alissa's favorite feature is the honesty mode that you can turn on in the settings. Basically, if you leave my app while in a study session, I will ask you if you were distracted. If you say yes, you spin a wheel that either makes you lose some earned coins or makes you watch an ad. If you say no, nothing happens (but honestly, you probably were still distracted!). 

I hope I have given you a reason to check out my app! I promise, I am a great study buddy and you'll enjoy decorating my space and giving me things as much as I will enjoy receiving them.
