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Showing posts from January, 2021

Here's How This Is Gonna Go

 One of the things that I want to address is the fact that I am not the only college student to endure the stress of distance learning or of a double major. The things that college students are enduring at this time are unifying if anything. What I hope to accomplish with this blog is to create a guide for various kinds of stressed-out students that each have different needs in terms of de-stressing. I don't want this to be a "one-kind-fits-all" idea, which is precisely why I plan to try a new method each week and essentially report back how it worked and how it did not work. I will begin with explaining the type of stress school/work/quarantine is dealing me, then explain the type of strategy I will use for that week.  To begin, let me describe some of the methods I will try.  Conventional Methods of De-Stressing: Meditation  Exercise Chew gum Reduce caffeine intake Unconventional Methods of De-Stressing Play games Calming colors and scents Blue light reduction Coloring


 Hello! My name is Alissa and I am a senior at the University of the Pacific. I am a double major in English and Psychology and, like many of you, I am a stressed-out college student. It is already stressful enough being in college (but yay! we're doing the damn thing), but put a worldwide pandemic on top of it, it's a recipe for a plethora of feelings. I plan to use this blog as a means of putting out there what kinds of stress I am dealing with as I navigate my last semester and as a way of sharing different ways of dealing with the stress of learning (and working) in a pandemic. My hope is that as I work through different ways of handling stress, I will be able to share and inspire others to find new ways of dealing with stress that may not be so conventional. I will look at the normal conventional ways of handling stress, but I will also look at possibly weird or just plain different ways of handling stress. I hope that through my experiences there will be people that find