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Review - Flora App

In my previous post, I wrote about the Pomodoro Technique and the ways that it can be helpful for those that have issues staying on task. The premise of the technique is that you work on a designated task for 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break, then repeat 4 times to allow yourself a 20-minute break. The technique definitely piqued my interest, especially when I found that there were apps made for the technique, many with thousands of positive reviews (on the Apple App Store). So, I decided it would be fun to try all the apps I could find that was related to timers and/or the Pomodoro Technique and relay what I found interesting about each app here. Since we are focused on Time Management here, I hope that these various time management and focus apps will be helpful to you. So to begin my review, let's start with Flora.

Flora is an app that I really enjoyed for a few reasons. As one may guess, the enemy of time management can sometimes be ourselves and how easily distracted we can get by things like our phones. Of the apps that I have tried, Flora was the most effective in keeping me off my phone and more focused on the task I assigned myself. 

First, let me remind you about the basics of Flora. To begin with, Flora is a free Pomodoro-centered app that encourages users to stay on task for whatever amount of time they wish. The app includes incentives for you to stay on track that centers on a seedling of a tree, and if you stay working without using your phone, your tree will grow up at the end of the time you set. The app is also in partnership with, so if you subscribe for their services (3 tiers), after an allotted amount of time, based on the subscription, you can contribute to real trees being planted. 

Now for my review. I am someone that is often distracted by my phone, and I normally remedy this by turning my notifications off by turning on "Do Not Disturb", setting my phone on a stand backwards so the screen isn't facing me, or by leaving it out of reach. This only becomes an issue after I need to get in contact with someone or I want to look something up quickly. Flora kept me off my phone through the duration of my Pomodoro session. I tested it out and, unlike other apps, Flora would send me notifications about leaving their app with basically a threat that my seedling would die if I did not return. I liked that it would tell me to come back to the app, and if you lock your phone, it sends a notification at what time your tree will "grow up". Flora is pretty simple to use and, if the death of a virtual tree does not entice you to stay off your phone and focus on your tasks, you can also pledge a price to pay if you actually kill the tree. The prices it will charge you range from $5-$100. If anything is a motivator, losing money is definitely something I would be motivated not to lose. Flora explains in the app that if you stay on task and do not kill the tree, you will win a "special prize", but if you do end up killing the tree, the money you pay them will be used to plant a real tree. Flora is also collaborative, so if you were to maybe be working on a project with other people and it is essential to stay on task, you can share a passcode with others and you will all be in a "room" on the same timer that will incentivize everyone in the room to stay on task. 

Overall, I really enjoy Flora and the way it entices you to stay off your phone with incentives. I would definitely recommend it to those that need reminders and incentives to stay off their phone (or iPad/tablet) and focus on something else. Below, I am including the "story" from my test session with Flora, their information pages about the subscription, and the tiers of prices and times you pledge to the growth of real trees. Let me know if you try the app and if you like it!
