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Productivity in the Last 2 Years

Over the course of time I have had this blog, I have learned new ways to be productive, and I hope my suggestions and findings have been helpful for those that have tried them. From trying various ways of staying motivated and organized to finding new ways to be motivated and stay on track (though I have definitely struggled). One thing I have to say and remind others that feel like they are not doing as best as they think they should be - it's okay to mess up. Let me tell you about the ways I have become inspired and motivated during these tough times. 

On My Own

It is no secret that distance learning has been tough for all students and, I'm sure, professors and educators as well. Many of us have never had to do all our schooling from home, so we definitely had a learning curve at the beginning to adapt to. In the beginning, I thought it wouldn't be long until we were back in person. At the very latest, I would be beginning my senior year back on campus at the school I had wanted to attend for as long as I could remember. 

The things that have worked for me have been some of the things I have expressed and described on this blog. For one, I have made me workspace more comfortable and customized it so that it works for me. I am using a huge heavy desk that was handed down to me from my dad (he owns his own business), so I did not have to invest in a desk when we began working and learning from home. I did, however, acquire many things for my desk and set up that have made working from home so much easier. Here is a list of those things:

Aside from products I have bought and acquired over the last year, I have also adopted some new habits and techniques that have greatly helped me. For one, I love my Pomodoro apps MinimaList and Emphasis, which I made a post about recently. I also use an ambient noise website for various kinds of ambient noise that I use with my earbuds or headphones to help block out the noise outside my house and my room. Another thing that I have put on my desk to keep my space relaxed and comfortable is candles. I have this one that my boyfriend sent to me that is inspired by my favorite book, and this one that just smells like flowers, which to me is comforting. 

I think the thing that I hope you all will take from this is that you have to invest in making your space comfortable and functional for you. If you want to succeed, you can give yourself the tools to do so. I did not acquire all of these things in a short period of time, in fact, I have acquired all of these things from the beginning of my time distance learning through just this week. I hope that my suggestions and experiences will help you! Good luck out there!
