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Take Your Time - The Pomodoro Technique

 Not Enough Time

In my last post, I talked about getting a timer and using that as a means of keeping a goal to work on a selected task. When thinking of that technique and that people often use goals to complete tasks, I realize that it can be difficult for some people to focus for a long period of time. I have found that working in my own classes sometimes, especially when the class times are longer, I have trouble staying focused for the whole class period. So, I did some research for those of us that may have trouble staying focused for a long period of time.

The Pomodoro Technique

I have found this technique in a couple of places like TikTok and YouTube while looking at posts about studying and productivity and it sounds like it could really work for a lot of people. If you have ever heard of HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), the concept should be familiar. Essentially, the Pomodoro Technique is where you select a task and set a timer for 25 minutes to work on that task, once that 25 minutes is up, you take a five-minute break. After 4 intervals of this, you can take a longer break, about 20 minutes. If you would like to read more about it, try this website from the creator of the technique. 

There are also phone apps that can be timers as well specifically for the Pomodoro Technique, like: Pomodoro (2.6k reviews at 4.8 stars)

Focus Keeper (17k ratings at 4.8 stars)

Focus To-Do: Focus Timer & Tasks (4.4k reviews at 4.8 stars)

Flora (46k ratings at 4.7 stars)

*All of these apps are on the Apple App Store* Depending on what you like, each of these apps have something to offer, including white noise, habit tracking, statistics on your productivity, and even Flora's developers are partnered with to plant trees based on your use of the app (so don't spend too much time on your phone or your tree will die!). WHich ever you choose, these apps are cheaper than buying a silent timer and they can help you with trying out the Pomodoro Technique to improve your productivity!
